Hello all I hope that you are all doing well and that you are all gearing up for summer. I have to say that we have not really been up to much lately except having fun with family and friends. Tomorrow is our last swim class at Maley's swim school and I have to say that I am going to miss seeing everyone on a weekly basis!!! I hope that we can find someone to do something for us over the summer so that they do not lose the skills and fondness of the water that they have developed. Mary Morgan has been doing so much lately and she is getting so much fun. Morgan and I just can not believe that she is about to be NINE months old. My how time flies. Anyone that reads this and knows of anyone that teaches swim lesson please let me know. I hope that you enjoy the pictures and the stories that go along with them.I am sorry that some of these pictures are past due to be posted but my card reader has been on the blink so I had to have a picture CD made so that I could post them. Please have a good week-
I know that this is a little over due but here are Mary Morgan and her friends at the Mommy and Me 1st annual Easter Egg Hunt!! It was so much fun. I know that Mary Morgan loved the Egg Hunt! Walker we miss you so much and can not wait to see you again!!!
This is our Family Picture from Easter this year!!!
Mary Morgan and her Great Grandmother on Easter Sunday!
This picture describes one of Mary Morgan's most favorite things to do these days. She climbs in and out and in and out. It is like she does it and then she is so proud of herself!!!!So funny!
Happy Birthday Taylor Parker!!!
Last weekend we went to Yazoo City to see the Parkers and celebrate Taylor's FIRST birthday! It was so much fun. Taylor loved the cake, his train hat, and his great TOYS!!! Taylor we wished that you were closer and miss you much!!!!
Mary Morgan is thinking Boys, Boys, and More Boys!!!
Please get me out of here. No she loves you all just having a moment.
Taylor, Reid, Mary Morgan, and Crosby in Taylors new Wagon!!!
Crazy picture!!! At the Birthday party Mrs. Cook said, Jennye Lynne looking back 5 years ago who would have thought!!! I think that all the time. I thank the Lord that I have wonderful friends to share in the wonderful experience of motherhood. You all have made motherhood so sweet and I can not thank you enough for all the help!!!
Mary Morgan, Jennye Lynne, Crissie, Taylor, Leslie, Crosby, Jennie, and Reid!!!! Look out MSU!!!!!
Two Sweet Babies!!!
Mary Morgan and Taylor.
Holding hands already!!!!
We hosted a crawfish boil for Mark and Kassi and it was so much fun. It was great to see you all and just hang out. I miss you all so much and am so glad that I got to see you.
love you lots!!!!
She was just playing in this basket and so I started snapping pictures and this is what I got. I have to say that everytime we look at it we laugh out loud. It is sooooooooooooo funny!!!! Leslie tell me how to enter this picture into that "dumped" competition and I will submit this photo!!!! I think that this is just too funny!!!
Have a good week and please check back soon to see pictures and hopefully a video from our last class of swimming lessons.
Love you all-
The Mardis Family
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